Diary of a baby daddy part 5

In this post of the BABY DADDY DIARIES let’s explore when she intentionally try to hurt you using the kids as a pawn.What sucks most about this tactic is that the father has very little he can do about it when she does this to him.Now I know the first thing out of your mouth is gonna be for him to take her ass to court right?well if you havent read parts 1-4 then you have no idea what a GOOD DAD most likely will face when he attempts to get help from the courts. The first roadblock the man is gonna face is she has the state as her represenitive in the proceedings and they know how to squash the man like a bug in the courtroom because most of the time they are friends with the judge and eats lunch with them,go to functions together and see each other so much that its impossible for them to not have a conflict in interest and stay neutral in this,thats if they even wanted to stay neutral!.So right away before we get into court there are battles being lost by us and most of us dont even know about it.So in attempt to make things kind of fair at least as far as having legal help ,the Good Dad has to spend money on an attorney,and this is money that 9times out of 10 he cant afford anyway and if anything he could be taking care of the kids with this money but instead he puts himself in more of a financial hole to npay for his lawyer, Now with all these things against him the proceedings start and end,and 9times out of 10 he didnt get more visitation or full custody or whatever he faught for in his motion,and he goes right back to the problems he had before.She gets SECTION8,SSI DISABILTY,CHILD SUPPORT W2,FOODSTAMPS AND IN WISCONSIN CHILD SUPPLEMENT OR C-SUPP which is $250 a nmonth per child,all he has is a job that most times can barely pay rent and feed him after child support of up to 31%or more is taken from his checks or he will go to jail WITH THE QUICKNESS IN WISCONSIN! in my case even with all of these Govt. checks and subsidies like SECTION8 she gets evicted from her apartment in everywhere she has stayed and still has power to use the kids as pawns if I dont give her xtra money or do what she says,and the few times you fall behind she’s calling child support office asking them to lock me up and this has happen to me before.What did locking me up do?made me lose the job I had so now no payments can be made,lost my apartment so it made me jobless,and homeless,and put me in a bigger hole cuz i had to find a new job,apartment and basically start all over and to add insult to injury while being homeless,jobless etc.she had the nerve to ask for another warrant cuz i hadnt caught up fast enough,i mean HOW can a GOOD dad,one who paid support,loved his kids picked up his kids when she would let him,how does he find himself HOMELESS,JOBLESS,AND IN&OUT OF JAIL? Simple,the system is setup for him to exsist like this,yes exsist because that is definately not LIVING,and she sits back and loves every minute of it,Whats even worst is,the DEADBEAT dads are not going through this cuz most of the time she didnt even ask for support from him and its the same as a woman treating a RESPECTFUL,GOOD GUY like a punk,matter a fact thgey often call so-called good guys weak cuz he wont curse her out or whoop that ass,so he gets teated like a prostitute when it comes to the whole child support situation!     Now if you havent read any of the parts 1-4 then i should tell you this,Im speaking of a large %of women who act triffiling like this and live their lives as such,not the Good sistas out there that is a hard working single mom or even a single mom that may receive gov benifits cuz theyre not working at the time but they dont abuse the system and they are actually the ones who deserve help but usually end up with DEADBEAT DADS.Also im speaking of the Good brothas that are out there paying their support to the point of not being able to pay theyre rent or bills&even feed themselves, to those GOOD BROTHAS AND SISTAS Iam you so I feel you and salute you,amd this is a glimpse into the world of and its also a DIARY OF A BABY DADDY! GODBLESS

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